Instructions for Use
1) Move section
When you move the mouse pointer over the map, it changes to a hand. When you hold down the left mouse button, you can use the hand to move the map.
2) Zoom
3) Print current section
4) Route planner
5) Show a specific address
6) Search category
First click with the left mouse button on the small cross in the "Categories" bar on the left of the map. A window opens listing a number of categories from A - Z. This list also contains the category "Culture", for example.
Click the small cross next to the category "Culture" to open a list of sub-categories such as museums, theatres or galleries. You can have the locations shown on the map by clicking the empty box next to the respective sub-category.
If you then click on one of the symbols which are then displayed on the city map, a window opens which contains additional information such as addresses, links to websites etc.
Zuletzt geändert am 21. November 2022