Equal Opportunities Office

Precept of non-discrimination of girls, women and men

The Equal Opportunities Office of the City of Oldenburg works to realize the precept of non-discrimination of girls, women and men in every area of live.

Counselling and support

One of the assignments of the Equal Opportunities Office is to provide information, counselling and support in difficult life situations. Furthermore it accepts complaints about discrimination against women and girls. Topics of counselling are for example divorce or re-entry into employment. All counselling is confidential and if it is wished also anonymous. The Equal Opportunities Office also helps with questions and problems concerning violence against women, pregnancy, health and more. It also can provide contact data of other specialised advice centres.

Improvement of chances

Furthermore it is the assignment of the equal opportunities commissioner („Gleichstellungsbeauftragte“) to question the existing structures, reduce prejudices against women, create changes and thereby improve the opportunities and chances in women’s lives. Those aims are pursued on different levels. The equal opportunities commissioner regularly participates in all relevant political committees of the City Council and the Administration Committee. She creates networks, suggests and conducts projects with gender-related concern. She also informs the public, counsels citizens and fulfils other tasks.


For further contact data and contact persons please visit the German web pages of the Equal Opportunities Office »

Zuletzt geändert am 21. November 2022